GrimmSpeed Cherry Blossom Red Paint
Stepping out with style, GrimmSpeed brings you the ONLY way to get 100% paint match to Subaru's famed "Cherry Blossom" color. Paint your suspension components, paint your emblems, paint your wheels, anything you think of could be perfectly matched! There is NO other way to get a perfect color match and now it is available in a convenient spray can.
Expanding the possibilities, it's what you can expect from GrimmSpeed.
Clear coats and application
We now offer a specially formulated GrimmSpeed Clear Coat for use with our color matched paints! To add more than one can to your order, please visit the product page and add as many as you need to your cart.
2 Cans of GrimmSpeed Cherry Blossom Paint will thoroughly coat the faces of 4 wheels. If you want to coat the inside drums and outside fully we suggest 3-4 cans
12oz Can